The PEM Technology Gateway is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the 
ERDF Northern & Western Regional Programme 2021-2027

Management & Governance

Management & Governance

The PEM Technology Gateway Manager and the PEM Academic Director have overall responsibility for developing and implementing the strategic plan for the PEM Centre.

The PEM Centre management team comprises of:

Dr Russell Macpherson

PEM Technology Gateway Manager

The PEM Technology Gateway Manager has responsibility for ongoing business development activities, operational management and relationship management with clients, funding agencies and internal IT Sligo partners.

Dr David Tormey

PEM Academic Director

The PEM Academic Director has responsibility for driving the academic research focus for the PEM Research Centre.

The PEM Technology Gateway has an Industrial Steering Team meets which quarterly with the role of reviewing the strategic aims of the Gateway and providing strategic input to ensure the relevance of the PEM Technology Gateway to the needs of industry. This industry-led steering committee comprising of senior figures from the Precision Engineering and Manufacturing industry in Ireland, and consists of key representatives from the following companies & agencies:

  • Enterprise Ireland
  • Masonite
  • Prior PLM
  • Neratek
  • Tente
  • GB innovations